Jouke’s Choice: Cheese

It is time for ‘’cheese’’ in this new issue of The Dylan Mag. And the honor is mine to tell you about it.

My name is Jouke. I have been working at Restaurant Vinkeles and Bar Brasserie OCCO since 2011 and since a couple of years I am the one who is responsible for all the different kinds of cheeses we serve in our Restaurant and Brasserie. I took this responsibility just because I am crazy about cheese. You can wake me up for every kind of cheese actually.

Cheese is a beautiful product, available in different kind of milks and countless varieties: fresh cheeses, young and old cheeses, blue cheese, with an ashy layer, creamy and soft, sharpness, you name it. Even the craziest cheese you can imagen is being made in the most fantastic way. The most familiar milks which cheese is being made from are of the cow, the goat and the sheep. But there are also examples of the ones from the buffalo, horses, donkeys, camels, reindeers and yak milk.

Cheeses are being made all over the world. Why do we limit us in Vinkeles to only Dutch cheeses? The answer is simple; everywhere across the world you can consume French or Italian cheeses. Dutch cheese, except for a few Gouda’s or Edammers, aren’t available in other countries. With great pleasure we want to share the knowledge about our pearls of the Dutch cheeses, something we are proud of.

For example think about the goat cheeses of Hanneke Kuppens from Zevenhuizen. She is involved from the beginning until the end and that is something you taste. We will always serve a piece from Hanneke’s creations. Just as the Remeker cheeses of Jan Dirk van de Voort from Lunteren. This farm produces on a biodynamic way since 2004 and I think this is the way that the most beautiful, hard cheeses of our country are made.

The last year I have become familiar with the cheeses of farmhouse the Oudwijker in Lopikerkapel. They make a lot of cheeses from among cow- and buffalo milk. All the cheeses are remarkable, piece by piece. Come and enjoy of the Colosso or the Fiore! These names doesn’t sound Dutch, because they learned the technique in Italy. Although they make it on their Utrechtse farm and on their own way.

There are many more and we like to get inspired. We work closely together with the Kaaskamer, a cheese store on the corner next to the hotel. The two owners are really enthusiastic who will let me taste all new cheeses. This in combination with the different seasons gives us a nice regularly change on our plateau.

The cheeses are presented on two large shelves in the size of the table. The wow-effect that the guest have when I show them our plateau is such a great feeling. Guests don’t have to be modest, they can choose as much as they want and we’ll come back with their favorite cheese just to enjoy one last piece. It’s served on marble of different sizes. Also the confiture and types of bread are served on these marble plates. The table is full and that looks so good, for a perfect photo moment.

With great pleasure I welcome you in Restaurant Vinkeles and I hope you will agree that a piece of cheese is a must after the main course…

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