This site was designed for private or internal use of our clients. It is prohibited to copy, multiply, forward or post this website or any of its elements in a different manner than described above without prior written permission by The Dylan Amsterdam.
Privacy Policy
The Dylan Amsterdam respects the privacy of all site visitors and ensures that any personal information that you provide is treated confidentially. Your details will be used in order to deliver your orders or the requested information as quickly and efficiently as possible. Under no circumstances will we make your details available to third parties, with the exception of the third parties involved in processing and delivering your request to The Dylan Amsterdam.
This site was designed for conveying information to our clients. We have compiled the content of this website with the greatest care. However, we cannot provide any guarantees regarding the nature, correctness or content of the information on this site. We cannot be held liable for the content of this information or the consequences or results of its use. The Dylan Amsterdam is not responsible or liable for the access to and the information on any site connected or linked to this website.